Sunday, March 3, 2013


Happy Sunday folks!  And look! We made it to March!  Cross old Feb. off the calender.  Done and gone!  My love/hate relationship with winter takes on a more positive perspective by the time March offers the first glimmers of spring hope.  

Winter is such a mixed bag of things.  Visually, awe-striking and often beautiful.  Fun in the outdoors.  It's also terrible on our cars, hands and skin, dangerous on the roads and ice and sometimes too dark for daytime hours.  But, as George Harrison reminds us "Here Comes the Sun" and right around this time of year, I especially cherish this song.

Changing gears!  Here's my question for you today: 
What would you like to see in some of these upcoming videos?  

Currently, I'm working on a few more YouTube videos, and they're mostly for fun.  But, while a lot of northeast Wisconsin is tuning in to the CW14 Star Contest, its a solid opportunity to promote a few of the things, people, organizations and events in our area that make our communities great!

So what are they?  Do you have a group, small business, interesting person etc. in mind?  Do you have a story idea of something/someone unique to our area?  

I've created a special email account specifically for this.  Please email me your ideas and suggestions to:

The cool thing with this is if I advance in the Top 5, I can continue to produce these short YouTube videos, and hopefully some of these story ideas can be passed up to CW14, and maybe we'll be able to get a segment in the works on actual TV.  Can't guarantee anything, but it's a thought, and something I'd like to see happen.


  1. Have you ever been to the Harmony Cafe in Green Bay for one of their Friday Open Mic nights? There is such a wide variety of talents who perform there on a weekly basis... And lots of people with lots of great stories. Maybe check that out?

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Rocky!

    I've heard of Harmony Cafe. Stopped in the Appleton cafe for some of their delicious brew, but have not been at the Green Bay location for one of their Open Mic nights.

    I appreciate your recommendation, and will look into it. Sounds like a great atmosphere!
