Saturday, March 30, 2013


CW14 Top 5 Finalists Drop in on the Murphy in the Morning Show at the WIXX Studios (Pictured here: Front Row - Former CW14 Star Maria Parmigiani; Back Row - WIXX DJ Nick Vitrano, Hanna Lindsay, CW14 Star Katie Phernetton, WIXX DJ Otis Day, Starla Golie, Megan Pospychala and Kurt Krauss)

It may not be news to anyone at this point, but for those of you following the contest, but are still unaware, CW14 announced Katie Phernetton as our new CW14 Star.  Katie will be the face and voice of the local TV station and will do a great job.

The announcement was made on Wednesday, March 26th and broadcast during CW prime time's hit-show Arrow.

As for me, this particular road, the "Road to Stardom - CW Style" comes to an end, however, another one picks up for this guy as the 'Confessions of a Sailor' momentum builds in its 12 1/2 weeks toward the film premier.  Still much work ahead, but I joyfully anticipate all the good things to come!  For Katie, too, her road picks up from this point in an exciting way, no longer a contestant, but a fun TV personality whose warm demeanor and enthusiasm is quite contagious.  Katie, you'll do awesome!

I'd like to offer a few words on the remaining three contestants.  During my actual sit-down job interview with the TV station, the dept. head spoke highly of the finalists and said each one brought something specific that they liked, and would make the deliberations difficult in naming the CW14 Star.  

I'd like to echo those words and add these: 

Hanna, Starla and Megan, I know the three of you will do great things wherever you go individually from here, and I sincerely mean that.  Be confident in the awesomeness of who you are.  You are a gift in the lives of those around you, and in those you meet.

WLUK Vice President / General Manager Jay Zollar: 

“We were thrilled with the caliber of finalists this year.  All of them had great strengths and should be proud of how far they got in the selection process.  Ultimately, we were deeply impressed by Katie's background and enthusiasm,  and we look forward to working with her as our new CW 14 Star.”

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Good Day Wisconsin Co-Anchor Rachel Manek interviews 
CW14 Star Contender Kurt Krauss on FOX11 Friday morning.

A special thank you to each of you who tuned in to WLUK FOX11's Good Day Wisconsin for my 7:45am interview.  I appreciate you welcoming me and Rachel Manek into your home, joining you at your breakfast table to share a few laughs over a morning brew.

Good Day Wisconsin co-anchor Rachel Manek has a special gift, and as you can tell it's her warmth and kind personality that make conversation very natural.  An awesome interviewer!  If you've seen Friday morning's interview, we realized leading up to it that Rachel Manek and I have crossed paths before.  Last summer we were both involved at the Door County Triathlon--she as a competitor, which she's done for quite a few years, and I as a triathlon rookie lifeguard.  And yes, Rachel Manek was in no need of saving!

Timed segments like these go quicker than I imagined, but we also covered the great work of the Paul Mitchell makeover, the St. Paddy's Day festivities and the film I'm directing 'Confessions of a Sailor'.  It's been a busy week for all things 'C.O.A.S' as Saturday saw the unveiling of the 'Confessions' trailer at the Wildwood Film Festival, and this weekend it's going online.  You can read up on more about our film at

Each day this week the CW14 Star Hopefuls had the chance as individuals to make a TV appearance and an audience appeal for votes, one finalist each morning.  Those of you who've been following the other contenders know that I had four very tough acts to follow.  These are some top-notch finalists, and it's anyone's guess who's going to be your CW14 Star! 

For those who missed it, you can still watch the interview at: Good Day Wisconsin 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


If you were to meander on over to CW14's homepage, you'd likely find our latest creative assignment videos uploaded to the CW14 Star pages.  Our recent endeavor was pretty interesting.  Working with our sponsor Paul Mitchell the School - Green Bay, each contestant was given a particular focus of their interview.  Each of us was assigned the task to interview an individual from that area, keep it flowing enough but also concise that all of it could be wrapped up in a minute flat.

My area of focus was financial aid, tuition and the help Paul Mitchell School could offer their students. I interviewed the financial aid leader, Mr. Bill Krah, who is known around the place as 'B.K' which as a name is pretty B.A.  I wish I had a cool nickname like that.  Of course, having the heavy German 'Krauss' name isn't half bad either. 

Financial aid was a particular area of interest for me as I owe a lot of my college success to the financial aid that was made available to me then.  Yeah, I've been there.  B.K. works with students, helping them with FAFSA, the Free Application of Federal Student Aid, and helps them figure out from there what grants, loans and scholarships they are eligible for.

And for you hair-stylists out there who want to pursue this career through the quality program offered at Paul Mitchell the School, B.K. will walk you through the finances, and work with you to make it happen!

To learn more about the excellent opportunities available at Paul Mitchell the School - Green Bay, please visit their site: Paul Mitchell the School


We're here!  It's hard to believe isn't it?  Monday, March 18th officially kicked off open voting for the Final Round of the 2013 CW14 Star Search.  We've been narrowed down to five contestants, and it will be a foot-race to the finish.  What started us out just a few months ago back in January with those initial auditions has transpired into something pretty awesome!

I've been the underdog in this competition; not making the initial Top 9, I was voted in by you as your Top 10 contender.  Judging by the four contestants I'm up against--four beautiful and talented ladies who have experience and personality--I'd say I'll be keeping my title as the 'Underdog' contestant right up to the finish!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


If you're in the Green Bay area this afternoon, you should swing by Comedy City to see some of your CW14 Stars performing on stage for a cause.  

The CW 14 Star hopefuls will try out their improv skills as part of theComedyCity 26.2-Hour Comedy Marathon. See them take the stage Saturday (March 16th) at 1pm!  This is a free show. Comedy City is taking donations for local children's cancer charities – The Angel Fund and Families of Children with Cancer.

How cool is that?!?  Some of your CW14 Star Hopefuls working with Comedy City and children's cancer charities to help some people who are going through a really tough time.  Go cheer them on!  Comedy City is located at the Green Room Lounge on 353 Main Ave, De Pere, WI.

Those of you in the Sturgeon Bay and Door Co. areas should hit up the West Side and Downtown Sturgeon Bay around 11am for the annual Sturgeon Bay St. Paddy's Day Parade!  St. Patrick will be there, portrayed by yours truly.  Because I'd already made this previous commitment to play the Patron Saint of Ireland, I could not join our friends at Comedy City.  That's okay!  The other four are doing great things today with this awesome fundraiser, and I am excited to see the masses gather on the chilly streets of Sturgeon Bay for a fun celebration!

Friday, March 15, 2013


CW14 teamed up with Shopko to give this guy a new look in anticipation for my big debut on WLUK FOX11's Good Day Wisconsin interview scheduled for Friday, March 22nd.  

The first part of the makeover was the new hairstyle through Paul Mitchell the School in Green Bay.  Today, it was the wardrobe.  For those of you who found my old blue Dickie's coat to be a little drab, the talented folks in Shopko promotions and clothing came up with some good stuff.

They wanted to find an outfit that fit my personality, so had a few selections in mind.  I followed their advice.  At one point, they asked me as I walked in dressed in a new pair of Shopko jeans, a graphic T-shirt and dressier collared shirt:

"Do you normally dress this way?"  

I responded, "Kind of, but not this cool". 

Oh yeah, it's pretty cool.  I think this new Shopko look will come across the airwaves in one word: "stylin".  A special thanks to Abby, Ali and all the girls who were my 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th opinions who unanimously agreed on this trendy new look to be revealed Friday, March 22nd on Good Day Wisconsin around 7:45am.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


On Monday, March 11th, Kurt Krauss was named into the CW14 Star Top 5!

We survived that round, and only one more to go!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Words alone will not be able to express my appreciation to each of you for your support, encouragement, votes and also helping me recruit voters.

Since the first days of open voting, I've been the underdog in this competition.  When the Top 9 were named, it was by your grassroots effort that I was brought into the Top 10 as the Voters' Choice contender. You've inspired friends, family and co-workers to vote daily and inspired me in the process.

Now in the Top 5, we're only a fourteen days away from the BIG DAY when CW14 announces their NEW STAR... (and I hope to finish this sentence with the name 'Kurt').

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Best wishes as Wednesday winds down!  Where do I even begin to catch you up on the adventures of the last few days--an online journal is a good place to start.

First off, a shoutout to my friends of the Algoma Community Band, especially director Tom Mueller, who hosted me at their rehearsal tonight as they're preparing for their big performance coming up in a few short weeks.  It was great meeting so many of you, and thank you for allowing me to speak to your group!  We did some recordings and an interview and looking forward to posting that soon.

Since the late 1970's, Algoma Community Band has brought music to the lakeshore.  Playing concerts year-round, building up local talent as well as drawing musicians from surrounding counties, ACB. is an important part of the rich history of Algoma.  ACB also provides scholarships to students who desire to pursue music, helping them with college expenses.  What an awesome organization!  To read up more on the good things at work here, please visit their website: Algoma Community Band

Over the course of these last few weeks, it been really cool how many of you take the time each day to vote for me.  It really makes my day getting a quick email or FB message or text with your encouragement and thoughtfulness.  And whether its a friend or stranger anywhere in town here, your smile and a few simple but powerful words: "I've been voting for you" really lift my heart.

Also, wanted to say hello and thank you to my friends in Alaska who have been supporting me in my run to be the new CW14 Star!  I didn't realize until tonight that 'the Last Frontier' was a VOTE KURT state.  As your state flower is the Forget-Me-Not, I really appreciate you remembering a Wisconsin guy during voting.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Happy Sunday folks!  And look! We made it to March!  Cross old Feb. off the calender.  Done and gone!  My love/hate relationship with winter takes on a more positive perspective by the time March offers the first glimmers of spring hope.  

Winter is such a mixed bag of things.  Visually, awe-striking and often beautiful.  Fun in the outdoors.  It's also terrible on our cars, hands and skin, dangerous on the roads and ice and sometimes too dark for daytime hours.  But, as George Harrison reminds us "Here Comes the Sun" and right around this time of year, I especially cherish this song.

Changing gears!  Here's my question for you today: 
What would you like to see in some of these upcoming videos?  

Currently, I'm working on a few more YouTube videos, and they're mostly for fun.  But, while a lot of northeast Wisconsin is tuning in to the CW14 Star Contest, its a solid opportunity to promote a few of the things, people, organizations and events in our area that make our communities great!

So what are they?  Do you have a group, small business, interesting person etc. in mind?  Do you have a story idea of something/someone unique to our area?  

I've created a special email account specifically for this.  Please email me your ideas and suggestions to:

The cool thing with this is if I advance in the Top 5, I can continue to produce these short YouTube videos, and hopefully some of these story ideas can be passed up to CW14, and maybe we'll be able to get a segment in the works on actual TV.  Can't guarantee anything, but it's a thought, and something I'd like to see happen.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


In less than 40 hours we kick off the voting of Round 2 to determine who stays in the CW14 Star search!  I am feeling excited and incredibly blessed to be in the competition still, surrounded by great people, and just experiencing the goodness of day-to-day life.

So, the question has come to me in multiple ways, but the hardest-hitting question is when it's asked: "Why do you want to be the CW spokesperson."  As opposed to questions "why are you right for the position" or "what do you like about the job", the question of what I want really hits home.

I want to get past cliche talk, but in so many ways it is a dream in the making.  To entertain, bring smiles to people's faces, it's something I guess I've always been able to do and enjoyed doing.  From earlier years of life, I suppose I saw this as something that would happen when I grew up.  As a kid you don't really think anything through in detail, but more importantly, as a kid you knew how to dream and dream nobly and dream big!

As this dream has taken shape, I've had the privilege of entertaining audiences on stage as comical and villainous leads.  In film I've been given the opportunity to act, but also to direct.  Whether creating a character or creating a world or a story, there is something extraordinary and supernatural about creating something.

To jump into television as the potential CW spokesperson is a different experience and consequently, a different challenge.  This is me, striving to be articulate, on the ball, and still me.  I noticed a change over the weekend, where this role on TV feels a lot more natural, and I hope it translates over the air waves well.  It is with sincere gratitude I thank the people I've been working with, who've made me feel comfortable and welcome at the studio and in the CW promotions.

So, back to that question of "Why do you want to be the CW spokesperson?", I can honestly say I think it's where I'm supposed to be.  Or as the head of Paul Mitchell-The School in Green Bay told me last Friday, "I started this up eight years and haven't worked a day since.  When you love what you do, you never work a day of your life".  An opportunity like this spokesperson job comes only once in a while. 

I can say in my lifetime, I've had a few of these great opportunities--most recently, working as a lifeguard and swim instructor at the local YMCA.  So many days I've left work knowing I have the best job, best boss, best co-workers and patrons.  In the dead of winter, I spend my days in 80 degree temps while the rest of Wisconsin shovels out.  I am one of the few people who can wear shorts and sandals to work, soak in the hot tub, swim any time, drink coffee, chat with interesting people and listen to my favorite oldies music--all in a day's work. I have the satisfaction of knowing the small sacrifices I've made like staying up on CPR training and exercising daily can and has made a difference in the lives of those who need me.

To leave a job I enjoy and am passionate about and leave the people I care about could only come about at a time when I feel convicted that the moment is right to take the next step to where I'm supposed to be, in a career, in the dream and in the gift of self.

I hope I can use all these opportunities and blessings, and offer something good to the world with them.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


As we're gearing up for another round of voting to see who our Top 5 will be, I wanted to give you the quick heads up on some things to look forward to...

Our .60 studio recordings should start their run sometime this week on CW14, likely mornings and weekends.  Also, these recordings should also run on our site  Check them out and read up on the contest!  Also on the CW14 site you can watch the makeovers of the Top 10 in a new video uploaded recently.

New pictures are up from the day at the studio, thanks to Maria Parmigiani!  Those can be found at the CW14Star Facebook page.

Like them or hate them, the VOTE KURT YouTube videos, are coming back as well.  They are my gift to you, and a practical and hopefully fun way to remind you to vote daily.  I have about a day's turnover time from writing a short script, recording and editing, and uploading online, so I foresee a few more hitting the scene.

There is more to come!  Check back daily.


Monday, February 25, 2013


CW14 Star Contenders in Studio
(Photo Courtesy of CW14)

Ever wonder about the inner workings of your favorite local news and TV shows?  Especially after the long production hours that went into the 'Confessions of a Sailor' film, I'm now always curious about what goes in to creating that picture and sound on your home television, computer and phone screens.  

This morning I got the behind-the-scenes experience of the CW14 and WLUK FOX11 TV studios.  The CW14 Star Top 10 Contenders were invited to the TV studio to do two recordings in preparation for Round 2 of open voting.  The .60 second tapings will air on CW14 weekday mornings and weekends during this second round.

Today's events were a very helpful part of the whole decision-making process.  I felt very comfortable with the people, the setup of the studio, cameras and teleprompter, and also my delivery of a monologue.  Whether or not I translated well onto the TV screen is yet to be determined.  I defer that to your judgement and the station's.  I know for a fact it beats my original audition tape so I'd say its a win!

In the studio I got to see the sets of WLUK FOX11's Good Day Wisconsin, Living with Amy and Sports Edge.  We weren't there long before several special people dropped in for a surprise visit.  Good Day Wisconsin morning anchors Rachel Manek and Pete Petoniak and reporter Emily Deem came into the studio to meet and welcome us and wish us luck!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Good morning, folks!  Wishing you a happy Sunday and an awesome start to a new week.  I can't speak on anyone's behalf but my own, and going beyond everything simply in this competition, I'd like to point out there's no telling the great potential that this next week has in store.

We are out six days from the Open Voting Craze of Round 2!  Wow!  

On Monday morning the Top 10 CW14 Star contenders will be dropping by the CW14 and WLUK FOX11 studios a few blocks away from Lambeau Field.  What sort of things are we cooking up there?  Wait and see!  Keep an eye for us and what's to come: Visit CW14 Website  

Please note that open voting begins online this Friday, March 1 at noon.  Voting will continue through Sunday, March 10 11:59pm.  Just like last time, you can vote once a day, each day with a valid email address.  Unlike the first round of voting, the voting totals will not be posted visibly.  We will not know how each contender is doing in comparison to the others.  

Voting will make up less than 49% of the factors determining who moves on to the Top 5.  Additional considerations will be our judges' panel, the station's input and grading on our creative assignments.  I'm looking forward to that, particularly the creative assignments.  

Friday, February 22, 2013


Krauss and stylist Annie at Paul Mitchell-the School
(Photo Courtesy of CW14) 

Well ladies and gentlemen, if you haven't treated yourself to (or been treated to) a Paul Mitchell makeover yet, I hope you do.  After such an experience, it's my hope that every person at some point in their life can partake in the marvel that is a makeover--out with the old, bring on the new!

After braving the hazzardous conditions of Snowstorm Felicia, I arrived at Paul Mitchell-the School to be greeted warmly by their upbeat team and a generous cup of freshly brewed coffee.  They had me at hello!  As most of us staggered in from the storm, the CW crew took our 'before' pictures to compare with the 'after' pictures that would be taken in the afternoon.

My stylist's name was Annie, a very personable and talented student at Paul Mitchell.  Working mostly on her own, but under direction of her teachers, she discussed the possibilities with my hair, got a game-plan and went to work.  In this dry wintry weather, what bliss I discovered in three shampoos and rinses, including a Paul Mitchell minty shampoo that my scalp is still tingling about!

I told the group later that they were miracle-workers. Anyone who saw me this morning beforehand knows what I'm talking about. 

The coffee cup, though at times ran dry, never stayed empty for long.  The CW crew took care of that.  Also, when they were ordering in Jimmy Johns for lunch, they added a sub for me on the order, because I hadn't had lunch either.  Among their other notable heroics of the day, because the school itself closed with all of Green Bay due to bad weather, the Paul Mitchell team took on the elements so that they could be there just for us today.

So I say: Thank you Annie and the rest of the talented staff at Paul Mitchell-the School for making a guy feel like a million bucks on the inside and out!

So, what's my new look and style?  Stop by the CW14 Website at, check out CW14 Star's Facebook group or maybe catch a glimpse of the fun on FOX11 tonight at 5pm.  Stuff will be posted continuously this week in preparation for Round 2 of Voting!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


So a month and half ago it was New Years, and like the rest of you, I had some things I wanted to see happen in this next year.  A week ago, Lent started, and again, I have this yearly marker--that shakeup time to stop, reflect and move forward.  Do we like who we're becoming?  How do we want to be and what's keeping us from being that?

This CW14 Star role is something I was hoping would pan out in 2013, and its cool to see that it's started to.  Beyond the external stuff that's seen in the competition such as key dates on what's hitting the airwaves, I (and I think I can speak on behalf of the others) and the other contenders are working on those other things to make us better at how we communicate when the big opportunities are there, especially anticipating our next recording dates.

Some resolutions are all a matter of the right intent and then making a strategy for success.  A resolution like "I will lose X amount of pounds by June" translates better into "I will exercise 20 mins a day, and take steps A, B and C to eat better".  For good and for bad, most folks only see the end result of our resolutions.  The bad is that most people won't understand your struggle or challenges in the midst of it.  The good is that if you hit the wall and are holding pieces of your broken resolution, you can still assemble it together as best you can, and reach your goal.

I guess in the end the key to any resolution, solid or broken, is just keep going with it, and you'll understand its worth in the end.    

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Voting resumes on March 1st where our Top 10 are narrowed down into the Top 5.

What's next for the Top 10 in the CW14 Star contenders?  Don't be jealous.  Makeovers.  We've officially stepped it up.  We've been chosen, perhaps as diamonds in the rough, and now its up to the talented folks at Paul Mitchell--the School in Green Bay to clean us up and make us look presentable to the TV world.  The way this week has been going, by the time I even get to the weekend, I'm pretty sure I'll need a sizable team just for me personally.

For us guys, yeah, I'm not sure what a makeover will consist of.  Any ideas?  I know the girls will be having a lot of fun here on Friday.  I'm looking forward to getting a haircut and to trying a new look if that's what the pros want.  What's the trick to getting the dark circles under my eyes to go away?

Also, I'd like to try some of the Paul Mitchell products because the chlorine at the pool has not been kind to this guy's hair.  The swim cap would've been a good call this year.

Look out, ladies!  I've seen the good things Paul Mitchell--the School has turned out.  Stylin'!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Kurt Krauss named #10 Contender in CW14 Star race.

On Monday, Feb. 18th at noon CW14 announced underdog Kurt Krauss as the #10 CW14 Star Contender in the search for their new spokesperson for the Green Bay based TV station: See CW14 Announcement

What has been so special about this #10 placement is that it was decided on by your votes.  In mid-January CW14 held their open auditions, graciously hosted by sponsor Paul Mitchell School - Green Bay, in De Pere, WI.  Through an interview process and then an audition by :60 second memorized monologue, the judges chose their Top 9.  CW14 later announced their Top 9 on Friday, Jan. 31st, 2013.

The #10 spot was left to be decided by you.  For several weeks online voting was open on the CW14 website, and in a tight contest throughout the last day of Feb. 17th, when the bell tolled midnight and online voting closed, your votes and grassroots promotions spoke loud and clear!  This dream is becoming a reality.

So, I dedicate this blog (online journal, or whatever else you'd like to call it) to you.  I cannot thank you enough, so I will thank you often--don't be bashful.  I wish I could offer more.  This blog is for you to keep you up to date with the cool stuff happening in this contest, and give you some behind-the-scenes looks into the biz!

May you be blessed abundantly!